Friday, June 17, 2011

Collina Strada

Okay, these are ALL amazing.
Hey friends can you imagine me biking around Oberlin on my Schwinn Cruiser with that bike bag? Soooo cute!

And the bags are made of eco friendly materials...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

found em!

These are the black wedges I want.


images free people, madison harding

Friday, June 10, 2011

Irregular Choice

My quest for the perfect black wedges continues. So far I've tried the Joe's Brenda II, but those made my feet disappear under all the straps and they were a bit too wobbly... Next were the Ash Vivian, I want to love these, I really do, but something about them just doesn't look right, SUPER comfortable, well made and strudy (no ankle twisting here) but alas for $150 they are no Cinderella slipper...

Perhaps when I get my paycheck and if Shoebuy offers another 20-25% off I'll try one of the above pairs. I'm leaning towards the top pair.

images shoebuy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011


If you couldn't already tell, I'm currently pretty obsessed with lime green.

images nastygal, karmaloop, jcrew, madewell, bb dakoda