Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hello again!

Or should I say, 


It has been a few months since I've had a moment to catch my breath and keep up here.

Wait. I don't really have a good excuse for not updating, in fact it's probably a shame I haven't been posting about all my farming and food adventures.

So here's the three month scoop: farming, cooking, cruising in Hawai'i. No but really it's been some hard work.  Anyways, for the past ten weeks I've been eating, sleeping and working at NaloLicious Farm check them out here or on their Facebook.

We're not producing yet-- still building and experimenting.

As the resident cook I had so much fun working with what we grow to cook everyone healthy, hearty meals. It's a shame I didn't take pictures, but seriously by the end of the day I was ready to collapse in my tent.

If anyone is indeed reading, don't stop! So many exciting things are to come!

But please, be patient with me, moving across the continent and then the Pacific is oh, so daunting.

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